bikers, surfers, hikers. a team of experts.

Evergy Engineering GmbH » Who we are EN

We are proud of our expertise and we are excited to share it. We are open to all your ideas because our objective is to evolve continuously as a company. Together, we are Evergy.

An international team of experts and a huge wealth of experience.

Evergy Engineering GmbH » Who we are EN - Our core team in Munich
Our core team in Munich

We feel right at home in our beautiful historic villa. It is here that we can develop our full potential and manage our portfolio of projects.

Evergy Engineering GmbH » Who we are EN - and our on-site experts
and our on-site experts

Every project is unique. Having our experts on-site means we can react optimally to country-specific requirements and consistently provide you with the optimal know-how.

Evergy Engineering GmbH » Who we are EN - work on international projects.
work on international projects.

Renewable energies are on the rise globally. Wherever your project is located, we would love to help you realise it.

Evergy – up there with the best!

Evergy Engineering GmbH » Who we are EN - Cooperations
Evergy Engineering GmbH » Who we are EN - Memberships
  • Expert on the Wind Consultants’ Committee for Energy Yield Assessments at the German wind energy association (Bundesverband Windenergie; BWE)
    BWE Wind Consultants’ Committee
  • Member of FGW e.V. – Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Dezentrale Energien
  • Member of SolarPower Europe
  • Evergy is represented by Dr. Pierre Dutilleux on the IEC Working Group “PT 61400-11-2, wind energy generation systems, part 11-2: measurement of wind turbine noise characteristics in receptor position”
    member list

Do you have any questions? Do you need our support? Get in touch with us!

contact us
Evergy Engineering GmbH » Who we are EN
Jennifer Buchner outdoor enthusiast, working @evergy since 2021
Die interkulturelle Arbeitsatmosphäre gefällt mir am besten.
I like the intercultural working atmosphere best.
meet Jennifer

The beginning of our future.

Renewable energy sources have shaped our work from the very beginning. We are convinced that they are the future.


Evergy Engineering GmbH founded by Jens Langenbrinck


Thorsten Nogge becomes a managing partner at Evergy
Evergy advises on a 5.3 MVp free-field PV power plant – one of the first large-scale PV facilities in Germany


Marc Böhnke becomes a managing partner at Evergy


Evergy Spain is established in Madrid


Evergy moves its offices to Malsenstraße 84 in Munich


Evergy Italy is established in Bologna
With the Redekin project mandate, Evergy surpasses the level of 1 Gigawatt of total advisory work on successfully concluded wind transactions


With Evergy‘s work on project Serenissima, the firm surpasses the mark of 1 Gigawatt of successfully advised PV transactions


Evergy advises on the Groß-Dölln PV power plant – at 128 MWp, one of the largest PV projects of its time


Evergy India is established in New Delhi


Dirk Zeyringer, Stefano Tadini and Tobias Moser become partner at Evergy
The photographer Jörg Fokuhl creates a series of photographic studies from the renewable energy field exclusively for Evergy


Successful ISO certification for an integrated management system consisting of quality management, occupational health and safety management and environmental management


Aatif Usmani takes over the management of the Indian office
Evergy surpasses the level of 10 Gigawatt of total advisory work on PV projects


Federica Ceriani, Georg Goldes, Christoph Boy, Joshua Schwall, Tejas Kuber and Simon Haustein become partner at Evergy
Evergy surpasses the level of 1 Gigawatt hours of total advisory work on energy storage projects


Jens Langenbrinck retires frome the management of Evergy
Evergy celebrates its 20th anniversary
Evergy surpasses the level of 10 Gigawatt of total advisory work on wind projects