open minded engineers are always welcome.

Evergy Engineering GmbH » Working @ EN

Do you want to be free in your thinking and free in what you do? Do you enjoy broadening your horizons? Do you love digging deep into exciting, technical issues? If the answer is yes, then you’ll feel right at home at Evergy.

What you study, and your grades are of course important, but they are not everything. It also matters that you would work well in our team. And if there’s something you haven’t mastered yet, then you’ll master it at Evergy. Each and every employee’s development is important to us and we’ll find the right fit for you and your unique skills.

Do you have any questions? Do you need our support?

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Evergy Engineering GmbH » Working @ EN
Birgit Langenbrinck yogi, working @evergy since 2003
Wir versuchen jeden so gut es geht in seinem Prozess und in seinem Lebensabschnitt zu unterstützen. Das muss aber auf Gegenseitigkeit beruhen. Wir bekommen viel Engagement und Zuspruch zurück.
We try to support each individual as best we can with his or her path and whatever his or her stage of life. But this has to be a two way process. In return, we get a team that’s committed and motivated.
meet Birgit

Have we made an impression on you? If what we do is precisely your thing, then please apply to us now. We always have room for someone who’s a perfect fit!

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